

22 April 2024

Did I say a thousand? Actually already 1500 people played Casual Legends and installed it at 50 Discord servers. We still in a very humble numbers, but this first success is inspiring. Thank you, dear players!

It has been just six weeks since I started working on Casual Legends, and today, we are a team of seven people plus three advisors. Serendipitously, we attracted the right people with engineering, design, system architecture, user interface, quality assurance, and marketing expertise. Today, we are a team that feels complete and fun to work with.

Here we are on one of our last catch-up calls:

None of us were friends or colleagues a month ago. We are located in different countries and come from diverse backgrounds.

There is something magical about a team coming together to create a product. We are so lucky to have each other on this journey of making an accessible and fun role-playing game powered by Artificial Intelligence.

We are a distributed team, and currently, most of us work part-time. It is a small miracle how we coordinate and manage to produce regular updates.

One of the last ones was the system for new games on Discord. We noticed that many users needed clarification when making threads and decided to fix it. Now, you can click the "New game" button, and we generate the game for you.

It is easier than ever to start a game on Discord, and with all the improvements we put into the game, our Discord is the best place to play today (until we release the app!).

Come over and say hi!